Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our Time

Alexandra and I went to her Our Time class today and once more she has taken a step towards independence.  It may seem small but if feels huge to me.  Our first class she would not walk beside me and cried if I didn't pick her up each time I stood.  She would barely leave my lap, opted not to move her hands to participate and would not go sit on the story blanket to for story-time with the other children.  Today she was singing and clapping and went all by herself to the story blanket where she sat happily all through the story.  I know that if I blink she will be going to class with out me after saying "See ya, Mom."  It is so wonderful to hear her sing and see the joy she gets from the instruments and listening to the music.  There is a part of class where we listen to a sound (a dog barking, a clock ticking, a pig oinking) and now she points out when she hears a bird or a dog.  I try to keep in mind that she may prefer sports or some other activity when she gets older, but I can't help hoping she will have a special place in her heart for music.

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