Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Elmo Bed!

Today Alexandra became a big girl! Well in one way at least. We put her bed together, crossed our finders and showed her in. She jumped up and squealed as soon as she saw it! I was so mad I grabbed the still camera instead of the video camera. She just kept saying Elmo's Bed! Elmo's Bed! She hopped right in and pulled the covers over her. She had some trouble winding down after all the excitement but she seemed good with it. She did ask What happened to the bed? I told her All done bed. And she said okay. She is sprawled across her bed now. Hopefully we won't have any problems during the night... we'll see. For now David and I were just so happy to see her so excited!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Everyone has probably given up on me by now but here you go!
So now that summer has start we are full force in the pool zone!  We go at least every other day and its been so much fun!  Yesterday we sat beside the pool munching on sandwiches... life is good.
Today Alexandra saw her first movie in the theater- Charlotte's web.  She sat through about the first hour then got fidgety.  Then she cried that I wanted her to leave- and fussed when we went back in to sit down.  So... we left and she was NOT happy.. "MORE MOVIE!!!"  Hopefully all this crying and screaming is just a phase.