Monday, May 31, 2010

First Pool Visit of the Summer

It was a beautiful day. I have to admit that since it was Hannah's first trip to the pool it was bittersweet as so many things are now. But we thoroughly enjoyed having our girls play. Don't worry we were very careful to sunscreen Alexandra and to keep Hannah out of the sun except for a few minutes when we went into the pool. We went house hunting again yesterday. Hopefully soon we will find the one.
I have begun uploading the baby pics to flickr. If you want to see them just click on our flickr bar on the side and you can see the ones I have put up. I am trying to catch up. There are some great ones of the babies in the NICU. And some good ones of Alexandra while we were in the NICU.
Hannah has recently become a lot more reactive. We love to sit and stare at each other making faces. Samantha and I used to do that when we were in the RR NICU around 5 weeks. Im glad I got to do that with her. Of course its a lot different with Hannah because she is smiling and making cooing sounds. Oh the sounds she makes are amazing! And her pretty little expressions while we "talk". I almost thought I heard a laugh. I need to look up when teething starts because I see some little white bumps on her lower gums and she seems more fussy than usual the last couple of days. She really wants to nurse all day. It's kind of hard to do that... but it does seem to make her happy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Moving On... but not really

I havent posted since the funeral because I felt like it symbolized the way my heart is stuck on March 12. I often relive the events of that day. I sometimes wish I could say that life won't go on. But it does. And with it the joy and beauty that is my family. Hannah is still cuddly and sweet and Alexandra is still adorable and exuberant. No matter what I do the sun rises and my girls and my wonderful husband love me and I love them. I miss Samantha more than the depths of the ocean. My heart aches and yearns for her every day. But I also know that I only get to live life once. Samantha wouldnt want me to stop living to prove how much I love her. She doesnt need that.
I think I am ready to start sharing my life again. I may start a separate blog for Samantha. For now I just want to share our life again.