Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hello All,

Most of you know by now that early this morning Jaclyn went into labor and delivered via emergency c-section 2 beautiful baby girls.  God, it seems, was not really jiving with Jaclyn's plans for an attempted VBAC.  While we both would have really treasured a natural birth we do know that God knows better, even better than me if you can believe it :).  As you may have noticed from the attachments, we have chosen names.  We will try to keep Jaclyn's blog updated as often as possible.  The blog address is  For those eager to see the blog, I have to tell you it isn't updated yet and this is the blog update for now.  

She is doing very well.  She is recovering quickly and pretty much every metric for recovery is surpassing the schedule.  She will leave either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Samantha Lilly:
Born at 3:09 am 1/31/10
Weight: 4 pounds 7 ounces
Length: 17 inches

Hannah Elizabeth:
Born at 3:10 am 1/31/10
Weight: 3 pounds 10 ounces
Length: 17.25 inches

Both babies are doing as well as can be expected for 7-8 week preemies.  Both have had some respiratory distress but they are being treated.  Both Mommy and Daddy have touched and talked to the girls, but we sadly cannot hold them yet.  According to the NICU they are not "out of the woods" and until they are they cannot be held, it apparently messes with the vitals if they have not reached a certain level of stability.  The other sad factor is that apparently only Mom, Dad, and the four grandparents are allowed to visit so sorry to everyone nearby who would like to visit the girls, and there is not even a window to see into the NICU.  While I would like everyone to visit them during their stay, the first thing I'm going to work on is getting Alexandra to see her sisters because apparently thats not allowed.  

To close this first update, please know that I slept for three hours last night, until about 1 am and I've been up since then.  I have no doubt whatsoever that I have left very important people that mean a great deal to Me, Jaclyn, and our family off this email.  Please forward this to anybody you think may be interested and to those people I am very sorry.  The first update to the blog may be today or tomorrow depending on how things go.  

All of you mean a great deal to us and we look forward to seeing all of you soon,

David, Jaclyn, Alexandra, Samantha, and Hannah
"We all 'Johnksons'" - Alexandra

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Enjoying some cuddling

I took alexandra to carmax with me and she fell asleep in the car. We are at that point where she still needs naps but refuses to take them.  She let me carrry her in - sorry but what can I do? I needed to get my car appraised!- so we are waiting and cuddling. She is so sweet. I was remembering when she was a baby how I used to hold her while she slept all the time.  And this may be my last opportunity because soon the babies will be taking a lot of my holding time. I hope we can always make time to cuddle with alexandra though.  She will always be our first angel.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Amazing Ultrasound

We are at 28 weeks and have a new Dr. We have toured the hospital and preregistered. So I guess we are pretty good to go:) Those babies just need some more time to grow! Now we are planning to schedule a C-section at 39 weeks which will be around March 21. This was a difficult decision, I would looove to avoid a repeat ceserean but because of my previous c-section and the twins factor there is too much risk for uterine rupture. Hopefully all will go well, we havent had any complications. Just the usual fun discomforts- can't breathe, exhaustion, trouble sleeping etc. I have started walking consistantly again after a holiday break :) so hopefully that will help too.
In this picture you can see the two babies, both breech, facing each other :) The ultrasound tech was so excited she showed the whole office :)