Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mom and her Coffee

We have had a slow morning and I have managed to motivate myself to do some laundry and housework. Generally I try to keep busy with playdates and such so that I can avoid... I mean, so I am too busy, to work on that stuff.  As I was working I thought a cup of coffee would be good.  As I pulled out the coffeemaker my mom bought when she came to help me take care of a newborn Alexandra, I was suddenly nastalgic for those days with my mommy.  Since July 07  more and more I have found myself admiring and attempting to emulate my mother's grace and productivity.  She does so much so well and I hope I can be a little like that.  So even if I can only copy her cup of coffee in the morning in my work out clothes with a visor on, I will enjoy immitating Mom.  And as I write, Alexandra is trying on my shoes.

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