Sunday, February 7, 2010

Samantha is doing sooo well

She is no longer on the ventilator!!! She doesn't even need the nasal cannula.  She has only one IV and she isn't on pain meds.  She was sleeping soundly when we arrived and I got to hold her. She slept so sweetly.  The nurses called her the little ballerina because she likes to point her toes. :)
Hannah is also progressing well. She is gaining weight ( she is at 3 lbs 7 oz and her incubator temp was lowered another degree. She has also been approved for two breastfeeding a day.  She is still getting milk through her feeding tube but she took really well to latching on sucked well :) we tried it for the first time yesterday and she was a superstar.
We are getting used to our hospital schedule and will probably try to take it easy this evening.

1 comment:

Abby said...

What a great day!!! So glad that Samantha is becoming more unplugged today and didn't even need pain meds- so tough!!!! She is tough like her momma! :) what a tremendous blessing that u got to feed Hannah today! That is going to make the next while so much better! So happy for this wonderful day- thanks be to God!
Love u guys, Abby