Monday, February 8, 2010

Hirschsprung's Test is Negative!!!

We are so grateful that Samantha does not have hirschsprung's disease. Thank you so much for all your prayers.  We will now hope that she will be able to digest food and stool late this week. They will give her 5mL of milk and see how she does.  Thank God she is ok.  She looks great and is "fiesty" which is a good thing.
I think I have been pushing myself a little too hard because I have a low grade fever and feel miserable so I am trying to take it easy tonight.  Hopefully I will feel better tommorow.  But for now I'm just sooo happy about the test results.


Anonymous said...

Yay! She's perfect! I knew that. Is the shower still on for Saturday? I hope so. You should take lots of pictures this week if it is-then you could have them running on the computer during the shower!Love, Aunt Cindy

Abby said...

I knew she was going to just blossom! I am so glad that she is doing so well. Things are looking so much better-- hope you are able to see it when you are there. Seems like you are having a bunch of good days in a row now. :)

Take care of yourself Jaclyn- if not for yourself than for those babies! They want to see their mama, and I am just guessing that those nurses don't want you around them with a hot forehead. Try not to push yourself too hard (I know it seems impossible not to...)

Love you girl- thanks for the updates everyday!!!!!
Love, Abby

Wendy said...

I'm so glad to hear she's doing better! We've been praying for you all;)
Hang in there and stay well. I know how hard it is to leave, but you need to take care of yourself too!
When Claire was in the NICU one of the nurses could tell I was getting run down and finally said "Go home and get some rest we will take care of her I don't want to see you until tomorrow!" That's really what I needed to finally get some sleep. I can't imagine going between 2, you're a strong mama!
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the girls are doing better! All of you are in my prayers.

Miss you guys,
