Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

It wasn't until my beloved youngest brother pointed out to me that I was lacking in updates that I finally checked it out and realized that it's been more than a month since my last post!! I do apologize.  My only excuses are my two small children :)  So let me fill you in.  Alexandra looooves to talk on the phone.  She has been healthy as a horse which is great, and she now wears a 5!  Not 5T (at least in Carters :))  She is 42.8 lbs and 42" tall.  Wowee :)  She can dress herself, put on her own seatbelt, ride a tricycle, put away the kitchen silverware, set the table, help make dinner, write and identify many letters, count to at least 10, and sing many songs beautifully including the angel song (a lullaby my dad sang to me growing up) which she calls "Darkness Covers".  There are many others too.  Her favorite color is red which she asks for at any opportunity.  She also likes to talk about Tristan's favorite color which is green.  She often talks about missing her Grandma Susie so we try to call her often.  Hopefully they will be in Houston during June and July at least, so that will be so nice to have them close for a while.  Alexandra will be a flower girl in my cousin Bianca's wedding on Saturday.  We can't wait to try curling her hair! 
Yes that is chocolate on Hannah's face :) Hannah just had her 15 month well check up on May 2 (incidentally one year since her baptism).  The doctor said he was pleased with her growth and development.  She was 17lbs 15.5 oz (<5%) and 30 inches long (25-50%).  Also her head was 46.5cm (70%) :). I was glad that he was pleased since she seems so healthy and happy, I don't see any reason to change what we are doing.  I also talked to a lady at ECI who is doing our "Follow along" program.  They send us a survey every 3 months or so and we send it back and they call us just to make sure she hasn't fallen behind anywhere.  She said everything looked great, she's really not delayed at all.  She is playing with toys very well, and walking well.  She is talking baby talk all the time in increasing combination with more and more words.  She signs a lot and understand lot's of words and requests.  We discovered this week that she loooooves watermelon :).  She is eating pretty much everything we eat just constantly all day long. 
I can't believe I never updated from Easter.  They both had such a great time hunting for eggs.  Xandra actually did 3 hunts that weekend :).We had a really nice time getting to see everyone but Philip:( We missed you Philip!  It was fun getting to talk to Xandra more about the meaning of Easter since she is older and can grasp a little more.  She still likes to say "no" a lot but she can pray Our Father, Haily Mary and of course the Sign of the Cross very well.  I think I actually caught her paying attention during Mass today :) 

We also went to the BBQ Cookout in Brushy Creek a few weeks ago with Grandmommy and Granddaddy.  It was hot and the lines were long but Xandra loved the bounce house and the ferris wheel.  THis past Saturday we went to the Pecan Street Festival.  That was really nice, also hot.  :)  It was nice to spend the day with my mommy for Mother's Days Weekend.
  I had a lovely Mother's Day also.  Sunday I woke up to pancakes with strawberries and whip cream, in bed!! Then we went to mass, then Chuys!!! :) Yes!  then to the cemetery for a little while.  Also hot.  Then we went to the pool and went home to enjoy relaxing with MickeyD's and a movie :)  No pics though :( I can't find my charger and it's making me a little crazy!
On April 29th I went to a Mass of Remembrance at St. Vincent de Paul.  It was so nice!  They had a book where I could write Samantha's name and candles with tags for a name for each child that has passed away.  It was so neat to be there with other parents who know my suffering.  I even met another mom who lost a twin, who is now grown and has kids of her own.  She said her daughter asks her twin to pray for her all the time.  I thought that was so wonderful, I hope Hannah will want to do that.  Im still attending my support group twice a month which helps me a lot.  And I will be putting a page in my scrap book for the Mass of Remembrance :)

Also I forgot some of you don't do facebook :)  Here are the pics from the Field of Flowers Day on April 9, at Our Lady of the Rosary.  This is an annual event (we went last year too) and we had a friend take pics of us in the flowers (Im not sure why the bluebonnets were shy this year).  But I thought it turned out beautifully.
Well, Hannah just woke up from her nap and I think that's about it.  I'll try to update again before a month is over :)  Here is a video for good measure.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I was talking to Abby the other day and we both laughed bc even though we haven't talked to you in ages, we feel like we have bc of your blog and updates! Thanks for sharing with us :) I miss you and the fam so much. Love and prayers!