Friday, September 4, 2009

Baby Numero Dos

There's a baby in there! We had our first doctor appointment on Monday and it went quite well. I met a new doctor who I liked very much and we confirmed the due date (April 3) and the baby looked great. A strong heart beat is all we can ask at this point. I have been feeling a little better lately- I was feeling very sick. Now it's more the exhaustion that is getting me. I am determined to continue walking 2 miles everyday (almost) and I am trying to get Alexandra out and about.

It has been such a wonder to experience pregnancy a second time. This time I really feel that pregnancy and birth are more of a means to an end rather than the first time when the novelty of the pregnancy kept all my attention. This time Alexandra is constantly on my lap or kissing me or hanging on me to remind me that soon this will all be a memory. I still believe pregnancy and birth are important and defining moments in my life, however I feel much more prepared to handle the struggles and disappointments. I can just hug my little "former pregnancy" and remember that I have a lifetime of joy ahead of me.

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