Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer Coming to a Close

Photo Op at County Line. 

We have spent a lot of time at the pool this summer but I don't know if I ever took pictures.  It's been a fun summer full of playing and play dates and family.  It doesnt seem like it's over because its sooooooooo hot.  I do what I can to stay inside all day.  I used to think it was wrong to keep children inside.  Now I refuse to take them out!  Alexandra starts school in 2 weeks!  Preschool is only 2 days a week but it will be a big change for all of us.  I'm looking forward to it and dreading it in a way.  I'll be sure to post that.


Abby said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE PIC OF THE GIRLS!! How precious! I assume that is up in the living room and on David's desk- it is just precious! What angels!!! Can't get over how big they both are!!!

By the way, I need to call you back... :)

Anonymous said...

Inside is great...but if Uncle Andrew's around...have some towels ready because we will come back very smelly, dirty, and full of new information.
-Uncle Andrew