Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Two Babies in One Place :)

Here they are:) And I got to hold them both at the same time this morning. And I will see both of them again this afternoon. I have to admit this is amaaaaazing. Plus Hannah is taking all- that's right I said ALL- her milk by mouth- meaning she is breastfeeding then getting a bottle. That is one of the last steps before going home!!! I know it could still be a while but it is so amazing that they are so close. I almost hope Hannah stays intil Samantha is ready just so we can keep them in one place. Soon that place will be home with us.


MoDLin said...

I have been reading for a while and your good news is fabulous! Yes, it is soooooo nice to see the two of them in the same room. It looks like a trip home won't be too far off now. I'm so very happy for all of you.

Abby said...

WAHOOO!!! They are so cute together!!! I am sure they will make a very speedy recovery now being next to each other. The twin connection is so interesting... I am so glad for you that they are both together-- how much easier on you and less stressful that will be. What a blessing!! God is good!! Take care dear friend!
Love you! Abby