Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and Costumes galore

Halloween Pics
Elgin Pumpkin Patch
MDO Parade
Fablefest Princess pics from earlier last month

Halloween was a blast.  The girls and I went to the RRPARD party at Old Settlers and saw an awsome Circus act and played games, hay ride and wore costumes.  Then we had a nice afternoon with Tristan and Levi, Alexandra got her white belt with orange stripe, to see more videos click on theYouTube video on the right side of the screen.

and then went home for a nap!  I don't think anyone really slept but I got caught up.  THen grandmommy and grandad came over for corn dogs (yum!) and then trick or treating!  The girls looked so cute and Hannah loooved the candy :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

First Pumkin Pics of 2011

Yesterday was Alexandra's preschool Halloween Parade.  They were sooo cute I just couldn't stand it!  Pics are forthcoming.  (Let's just say David has them so don't hold your breath :) )  October is going by fast.  Between preschool, Kindemusik, Regnum Christi, and having Tracy's boys over and the girls going over to thier house- we have been busy.  Add in a few MOMS Club events like going to the library and the bounce and you have a good idea what our weeks have been like.
Hannah had a bit of a cold a few weeks ago too but she is better now.  Today it's Alexandra who is coughing and we have taken our usual precautions- called the doctor for an antibiotic.  (It is a long story why this is necessary- involving many ER visits, a hospitalization, ENT and bronchoscopy)  In any case she seems fine now so that is good.
The candy coma began yesterday with the parade and candy and cookies at the Martinez house where we got to help carve a jack-o-lantern.

You can expect many pictures from this weekend of the Pumpkin Patch and then Halloween :)  Tinkerbelles or Rupunzels?  Or one of each?  We shall see...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Respect Life post on Catholic Sistas

I've been having fun writing for a blog with some of my Catholic Mom friends.  First I wrote about politics, then about appreciation for NICU nurses.  For Respect Life Month I wrote about my experience in a pregnancy center.  Thought you might enjoy :)  I think it's fun to share our experiences and try to life each other up through this blog.  Although it is written to support Catholics, I think others will also enjoy the perspective.
Catholic Sistas

Sunday, October 9, 2011

And I was doing so well... It's October!

My how time flies!  I can't believe I had the audacity to title my entry "Part One".  What did I think was going to happen?! 
Part two was meant to be... how it went.  I wrote part one while she was in school.  I never got back to it!  Let's just say it was great.  She loves it.  Sometimes she does say school is boring and she would rather stay home, but I don't think that's really true.  She has made some friends, brought home lot's of work, and learned new songs that she sings for me including, "I can spell red" "Cha cha cha, fiesta!" and Peanut, peanut butter... and jelly!"  She is looking forward to bringing the snack of Tuesday- fruit snacks! 
Hannah is just a budding little tornado!  SHe is so sweet when she picks out her books at night.  SHe loves "God gave us you" :Brown Bear, Brown Bear" "Doggies" and of course "Moo, Baa La La La". And if I pick out the wrong book she will put it back and pick out the one she wants to hear!
We have been doing the festival thing... Pecan Street Festival, Fablefest, and St. William's Fall Festival.  Whooo!!  Here are some pics to prove it :) I am tired just looking at all we have been doing. I think you will forgive me for not posting when you see this :)

Particularly cute day at school- Xandra loves to embellish her hair do with bows and clips- sometimes I have to limit this passion.
At Zero Gravity Gymnastics day with MOMS club of Leander- I was ready to sign her up but she has other ideas.  Hannah had a blast too- she loved the trampoline and climbing all over everything.

Hannah wants to ride the bike every time we enter the garage (be pushed on the bike).  I try to accommodate her as often as I can- ah the pleasure of being a SAHM :)
                                                                                     Fablefest Costumes 
First day of Karate at Vortex Martial Arts

MOMS Club Halloween party- we have already made so many nice friends :)  The girls loved the crafts- but mostly the snacks!
                                                                              St. Williams Fall Festival- loooved the petting zoo.  My favorite part was the gorditas.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of Mother's Day Out Part One

 Since it was our first day, though not everyone else's, we were about 15 minutes early.  Unfortunately the doors don't open till 5 till so we had a while to sit and take some pictures.  I was hoping to talk with the teacher about Alexandra's week last week and about her doctor visit yesterday and how it's her first day.  We walked in, went to the bathroom, and Alexandra walked in like she owned the place!  The teacher kept asking her, "Do you know what to do?" But she was so excited she just threw her backpack into a cubby and was looking around the room.  Finally the teacher was able to show her where her cubby was (the first one now that they changed her name to Alexandra instead of Xandra :)  )  And then put her lunch box in the bubby, put her folder in a rack, and hang up her back pack on a hook near the door.  Then it was time for kisses.  She kissed me, kissed Hannah and said goodbye.  I headed towards the door and snapped this picture as I was leaving.
It was easier for me I think, since it had been delayed for a week already so I was emotionally prepared.  As I was putting Hannah down for her nap she said "Sissy?  Sissy?"  I told her Sissy is at school.  I know Alexandra is having a great day.  I can't wait to hear about it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Four Year Shots Stink a Lot

After having a fever Monday night and all day Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday Alexandra was finally better.  Of course Thursday- I was sick, though I had more of a stomach thing. And Friday it was David's turn!  Poor baby :)  Saturday we were all well. 
Sunday we got to enjoy mass and lunch with my parents at our house with a fancy dinner compliments of Chef David.  He made roasted garlic spaghetti and Zuppa Toscanna.  Then that evening David and I got to play softball for the Block House Mutts.  We beat the Dentists by 1 point!!  Though I had many errors and struck out twice :(  I also managed not to strike out when we were down by one point and it would have ended the game.  The highlight of the game was when my boyfriend scored a grand slam!! This is his second for the season.  Boy, that is one good looking pitcher ;)
I think I finally got the hang of the single crochet.  I know this little square is a mess but it's the closest I've gotten so far.  Maybe I'll try to make something. 
Today Alexandra had her real well check up and her hearing and sight were fine, as well as her growth and development.  The dreaded shots were about as horrible as you would expect.  I had to hold her down and she screamed bloody murder and I felt terrible.  When it was all over she cried and cried.  And poor Hannah was scared to death- but it's over!  They both got flu shots too so I'm glad that is done.  We went straight to Sonic for ice cream (joined by Grandad and Charlie) then Alexandra played normally till the end of the day.  Right now she says she can't walk, I'm sure her legs are sore- there were two shots in each leg.  If there is anything Alexandra wants this would be the time to ask.  Pobrecito!!
One other note- it has been 18 months today since Samantha passed away.  She has been on my mind in a special way today and it felt good to cry a little at breakfast.  I lit my candle and got some lillies.  It's so hard sometimes to admit that she was here and now she's gone.  But acknowledging her sweet little existence is somehow healing for me.  We didn't make it to the cemetery today with the doctor and the Maczuga boys came over, but I hope to go soon.  St. Samantha, pray for us.  We miss you every day.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cuteness Personified!

Hannah enjoyed her Malt-o-meal this morning as you can see.

Although we are still coping with ongoing illness, yesterday me, today David and now Xandra has an upset stomach... I feel inspired to share the cutest things Hannah has done lately.  And isnt that one of the main reasons you read this anyway?
1.Hannah: "Zsink, Zsink!" Mommy: Where is your drink?  Hannah puts her hands up as if to say "I don't know"
2. We have a fan in the kitchen so she stands there and talks into it to here her voice tremble.
3.  THis morning she handed me a clip and pointed to her hair.
4.  When the credits roll after a tv show she says "All done!"  and hands David the remote.
5.  She sings twinkle twinkle.  I'll work on a video of this.
6. Hannah dances.

7.  Hannah gets surprised. Sorry the video is sideways.

That's all for now.  Hopefully everyone will be fully recovered soon and we can start our regularly scheduled program next week.  Preschool here we come!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Alexandra's Four Year "Well" Check Up

This is the girls at the doctor this morning.  Monday after our lovely day Alexandra had a fever of 101.  She seemed ok other than that but Hannah has had some congestion so we went ahead and took precautions to head off the effects of Alexandra's condition. Of course I knew she would get sick, since she was supposed to start preschool yesterday.  So instead I had my first experience calling the school to them she was sick.  She had fever all day yesterday and was burning up last night- 103.  We are upping the fever reducers today after seeing the doctor.  She was supposed to have a well checkup but instead had a sick checkup.  She couldn't get her shots- she wasn't disappointed about that- but she will have to go back to do that and eye and hearing checks.  She was 44 lbs 4oz (90-95%) and 44 in. ( >95%).  Practically perfect in every way.  He said she was average height for a 6 year old.  She seems to always be about one pound per inch!  That is always nice to see- since it is the weight by her height that they watch.  She won't be going to school tomorrow either but hopefully next week she will be good as new.  My poor baby!  Don't worry we are keeping the ice cream coming- Daddy took her to a "big movie" to help pass the resting time and take her mind off not feeling good.

Labor Day Weekend 2011

Labor day weekend- Waco for Jamie's 2nd birthday Party.
 Sunday we went to mass then to lunch with my mom and dad at Chuy's... love to celebrate the holiday!
 Then Monday we had burgers at the Ainsworth's. It was such a beautiful day!  I think the high was 90*.  We lounged on the porch and had a few MGD 64's while the girls played in the pool.

Xandra snuggled with Grandad after swimming.
 Lovin' on my boyfriend- in purple ;)

 Hannah loves watermelon!
The only thing I forgot to take pictures of was fishing with Uncle James and Uncle Andrew in the afternoon,  Xandra caught several fish and Hannah had a great time sliding.
What a lovely weekend :) If only the 'Canes had won :(

Monday, September 5, 2011

Just wanted to update first because last week we had our preschool orientation and two just in case someone is wondering about our location to the fires in Leander.  We have not been evacuated but people near us have been.  There was apparently a small fire just at the entrance to our neighborhood but it was put out.  I've seen several reports of fires near Blockhouse Creek so it is making us worry but hopefully it won't get to us. 
 In other news Alexandra had a fever today so she won't be going to school tomorrow.  It may be canceled anyway because of the fires but we will be home all day resting. 
So please say a little prayer for all our neighbors who are evacuated and who have lost their homes. 
More updates tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer Coming to a Close

Photo Op at County Line. 

We have spent a lot of time at the pool this summer but I don't know if I ever took pictures.  It's been a fun summer full of playing and play dates and family.  It doesnt seem like it's over because its sooooooooo hot.  I do what I can to stay inside all day.  I used to think it was wrong to keep children inside.  Now I refuse to take them out!  Alexandra starts school in 2 weeks!  Preschool is only 2 days a week but it will be a big change for all of us.  I'm looking forward to it and dreading it in a way.  I'll be sure to post that.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

2011 Trip to Dallas

At the beginning of August, my parents treated David and I to an anniversary weekend all to ourselves! They took the girls to Plano to watch Kinsley and we enjoyed some free time.  We had dinner at Fogo di choa and got some free amazing creme brulee! We partied down town and stayed at the Driskill... it was a very happy 5th Anniversary for us.
Then on Sunday I drove up to Dallas to stay with the girls and spend some time with our good friends "Aiden-n-Cal" as Alexandra always called them when she was smaller.  Amber and Phillip were soooo generous to allow us to stay with them for such a long time.  We had such a great time at the pool.
 Then we went to the Museum of nature and science which was so much fun! They had dinosaurs and a place to dig up bones in the sand and a lego area and a water table! 
There was also a  children's museum type area- we must have only seen a fraction of the place.  We had a wonderful time.

Then before we went home we visited some other good friends from College Station.  We were in the same birthing class when we were both expecting our first children.  Now we each had three children!!  Of course Tara was pregnant three times :)  It was so nice to see them and catch up.  The girls had a great time playing.
 Then after we got home Wed.  We turned around and went to College Station Friday for my little brother's graduation from A&M.  That was fun... Alexandra has been looking forward to staying in a hotel.

Haven't seen any "official" family pics from graduation yet.  It was a very fun week.  Then this week Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Johnson came to visit!  That's next on the ol' blog!
Oh yes and in case you are not on Facebook there was another epic occurance last weekend!
The last line is Jax- that's me- the last frame says X   X   X!!!  That's three strikes in a row in the 10th frame!
A moment that will live in infamy.  Because I will reviving it often!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Long Overdue Alexandra's 4th Birthday

Yes it's been over a month since Xandra's Birthday.  But just for posterity and for those who might still enjoy- here it is.  We had a wonderful weekend!  Friday was her "actual" birthday so we went to mass and then to the mall where her every wish would be granted :)  We went to the play area first then took the train. Then the carousel, then the bungee jump, then cotton candy before lunch! She wanted to have Chick-fil-a at the food court.  Then we went home for pool and some rest!  This was birthday cake #1. Speghetti for dinner (as you can see).

 Saturday we were joined by Aunt Amber and Kinsley for a trip to the Austin Children's museum which is one of Alexandra's favorite places.  THen we had lunch at Chuy's also a favorite (coincidentally mine too) and then home for pool and dinner at the Ainsworth's with the Johnsons (one of my favorite gatherings).  That's where we had cake number 2!  It was so delish! I love Mom's (Grandmommy's) cake!
 Sunday we went to 9:30 mass at St. Vincent de Paul then everyone came over to the Johnson's on House Creek for lunch before heading over to the Big Bounce for the official birthday party at 1:00.  It was a big hit! THe kids had a blast and were worn out- so ther parents seemed happy about that.  The princess enjoyed wearing her tiara and must have not stopped jumping the whole time we were there! This is cake number 3 which she had been asking for all weekend.

And here is a cute picture of Hannah.

Friday, July 1, 2011

June 2011 draws to a close

We had a wonderful week last week.  It was Vacation Bible school which you may know Alexandra has been talking about since last summer. It was very weird to drop her off and leave her but she hardly even noticed.  She loved the crafts and games and songs.  It's so sweet to hear her sing and to tell me about how God is watching over us and loves us. I'm so glad she is having fun learning about God.

Also, David's parents are finally in Houston!! YAY!!!!!  So hopefully we will see lot's of them.  And last week David's cousin Leah was here.  We had such a great time! What a lovely girl.  Of course Alexandra just adored her.  We went to the pool, did the Austin Duck Boat thing, saw a movie, and played Bananagrams. On Friday Steve joined the party and on Saturday we all go to go to County Line where Alexandra enjoyed her first beef ribs! 

This morning Hannah was really enjoying her kolache and chatting with me so I got some of it, but it was sideways! Maybe David can edit it tonight. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Alexandra 4th Birthday Gift Ideas

I hope everyone understands that gifts are not required, but just in case you were wondering...  And this way I can say "check my blog" if anyone asks :)
Things Alexandra  pointed out to me and I told her I would put on her Birthday List:
swing seat
Play set
Ballerina Floor Puzzle
Water Princess Toy
Dollhouse - Im sure another one would be fine but this is the one we saw
Another very nice dollhouse a little less pricey and furniture included
Wag a tail Book

Other Things I think she would like that are "educational":
Butterfly Garden
Princess Scrapbook
Play Doh

Non- toy gifts that she would also love:
Safari Champ Pass (They are running a deal 4 months for the price of 3 through 6/30/11)
The Big Bounce (no deals on bulk buying but you can get a gift card of any amount must be in person) 
Princess Camp for Girls:  Calling all princesses!  This camp has everything little girls love - pretend, dress-up, crafts, music, dancing, tiaras and more.  It's a fairy tale setting with a "happily ever after" ending as we enjoy musical activities and games that will engage your young highness's listening skills, inspire her creativity, and enhance her
Fall 2012 Little Gym Dance Jazzy Bugs Mon 11:00am
Trip to the Movies or Gift Card
Trip to Chuck E Cheese or Gift Card

Friday, June 3, 2011

Park and Sears Portraits June 2011

Today I was lucky enough to take my girls to the park.  Days like this I am so grateful that my amazing husband makes it possible for me to have my dream job.  Spending time with my girls.  We woke up had breakfast, got dressed and had a trip to the park.  It was lovely (it was around 9 before the heat set in :) ) 
 Then it was snack time, nap time (play for Xandra) lunch time and time to get some pictures taken at Sears.  My sister had some incredible beautiful pics taken of her gorgeous baby Kinsley (can having beautiful babies be a family tradition... cause it is for my family!)

Anyway that made me think Xandra's birthday is coming up and its been about 6 months since we had pics taken at Christmas so it seemed like portrait time! :) 
Here they are.
Xandra has always loved having her photo taken.  Hannah was not too excited about having a stranger so close or sitting still so long.  She liked the candy, but that just made her scream for more candy!  I really thought right after nap, feed her lunch, then she will be in a great mood... but she was not into it!  I think we still got some pretty great pics though.  I can post them directly once we get our copies.
I have to admit.  It's hard for me to have pictures taken of the girls without Samantha.  I can't help imagining what it would have looked like for Xandra to pose with her two little sisters.  I just kept asking my little St. Samantha to pray for her mommy and sissies.